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Problem z przyciskami


Pomocna odpowiedź

spotkałem się z dosyć poważnym problem z moim najnowszym problemem. Postanowiłem że zrobię urządzenie, którym będzie się wpisywało ile litrów wody ma przepłynąć. Wpisywanie liczb odbywa się poprzez naciśnięcie przycisku. Mój problem polega na tym, że arduino samo dobiera sobie wartości liczbowe bez mojej ingerencji.



LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); //Pines arduino to lcd


int Relay = 13; //Solenoid valve open/close

int start_stop = 8; //Start/Stop button

int rst_sp = 9; // Reset Set Point Button

int rst_cnt = 10; // Reset counter button

int unit = 19; // Change Unit Button

const int sensor_pulse =12; // Sensor Pulse Ins

//----Analog as Input-----//

int add_one =16; // +1 Button

int add_ten = 17; // +10 Button

int add_cien = 11; // +100 Button

int add_mil = 19; // +1000 Buton

//-----Variables for debouncing-----//

boolean currentstart_stop = LOW;

boolean laststart_stop =LOW;

boolean lastsensor_pulse = LOW;

boolean currentsensor_pulse = LOW;

boolean lastunit = LOW;

boolean currentunit = LOW;

boolean lastrst_sp = LOW;

boolean currentrst_sp = LOW;

boolean lastrst_cnt = LOW;

boolean currentrst_cnt = LOW;

boolean lastadd_one = LOW;

boolean currentadd_one = LOW;

boolean lastadd_ten = LOW;

boolean currentadd_ten = LOW;

boolean lastadd_cien = LOW;

boolean currentadd_cien = LOW;

boolean lastadd_mil = LOW;

boolean currentadd_mil = LOW;

//-----Storage state for toggle function---//

boolean unitState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the unit

boolean RelayState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the Relay (off/on)

//-------You have to put your pulses x liters here-----//

float cal_1=2.5; //Calibrate ml x pulse (cal_1 = 1000/400)

int cal_2= 1; //Calibrate pulses x liters


float counter_1 = 0.0;

int counter_2= 0;

int TotalCount_1= 0;

int TotalCount_2= 0;

int set_point_1= 0;

int set_point_2= 0;

void setup(){

lcd.begin(16, 2);

pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT); //Pin 13

pinMode(add_one, INPUT); //A2 as Input

pinMode(add_ten, INPUT); //A3 as Input

pinMode(add_cien, INPUT); //A4 as Input

pinMode(add_mil, INPUT); //A5 as Input

lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Show "SP" on the LCD


lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Show "CNT" on the LCD



//----Debouncing function for all buttons----//

boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin)


boolean current = digitalRead(pin);

if (last != current)



current = digitalRead(pin);


return current;


void loop(){

//-----Debounce Buttons-----//

currentstart_stop = debounce(laststart_stop, start_stop); //Debounce for Start/Stop Button

currentsensor_pulse = debounce(lastsensor_pulse, sensor_pulse); //Debounce for Sensor

currentunit = debounce(lastunit, unit); //Debounce for unit Button

currentrst_sp = debounce(lastrst_sp, rst_sp); //Debounce for reset set point Button

currentrst_cnt = debounce(lastrst_cnt, rst_cnt); //Debounce for reset counter Button

currentadd_one = debounce(lastadd_one, add_one); //Debounce for +1 Button

currentadd_ten = debounce(lastadd_ten, add_ten); //Debounce for +10 Button

currentadd_cien = debounce(lastadd_cien, add_cien); //Debounce for +100 Button

currentadd_mil = debounce(lastadd_mil, add_mil); //Debounce for +1000 Button

//-----Start/Stop toggle function----//

if (currentstart_stop == HIGH && laststart_stop == LOW){

if (RelayState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the Relay

digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);

RelayState = LOW;



digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH);

RelayState = HIGH;



laststart_stop = currentstart_stop;

//-------Unit toggle function----//

if(RelayState == LOW){ //You only can change unit while system is not running!

//------ Lt/ml unit toggle function----//

if (currentunit == HIGH && lastunit == LOW){

lcd.setCursor(4, 1); //Clear lcd(CNT area) between unit change,keeping last count

lcd.print(" ");

lcd.setCursor(3,0); //Clear lcd (SP area) between unit change, keeping last SP

lcd.print(" ");

if (unitState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the unit (L/ml)

digitalWrite(unit, LOW);

unitState = LOW;



digitalWrite(unit, HIGH);

unitState = HIGH;



lastunit = currentunit;


//------Print unit state-----//

if(unitState==HIGH){ //Unit state HIGH = L



lcd.setCursor(14, 1);



else { //Unit state LOW = ml





}//End Print unit state


//------------Ml Counter-----//


if(unitState==LOW){ // LOW= Ml state




if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_1)---//

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10

set_point_1 = set_point_1 +10;


lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100

set_point_1 = set_point_1 +100;


lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000

set_point_1 = set_point_1 +1000;


lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil;

//-------Reset Buttons----//

if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area

lcd.print(" ");

set_point_1 = 0;


lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;

if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter

lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area

lcd.print(" ");

counter_1= 0;

TotalCount_1= 0;


lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;

}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//

if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH

if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){

counter_1 = counter_1 + cal_1;



lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

//-------Counter function-----//

if(counter_1 >= 10){

TotalCount_1 = TotalCount_1 + 10;

counter_1=0; //Counter reset


lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point


lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter


//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//

if(set_point_1 <= TotalCount_1){

RelayState = LOW;

digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);


}//End unit state LOW (ml)


//------------Lt Counter-----//


if(unitState== HIGH){ //HIGH = Lt state




if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_2)---//

if (currentadd_one == HIGH && lastadd_one == LOW){ // Add +1

set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1;


lastadd_one = currentadd_one;

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10

set_point_2 = set_point_2 +10;


lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100

set_point_2 = set_point_2 +100;


lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000

set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1000;


lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil;

//-------Reset Buttons----//

if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area

lcd.print(" ");

set_point_2 = 0;


lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;

if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter

lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area

lcd.print(" ");

counter_2= 0;

TotalCount_2= 0;


lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;

}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//

if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH

if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){

counter_2 = counter_2 + 1;



lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

//-------Counter function-----//

if(counter_2 == cal_2){

TotalCount_2 = TotalCount_2 + 1;

counter_2 = 0; //Counter reset


lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point


lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter


//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//

if(set_point_2 <= TotalCount_2){

RelayState = LOW;

digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);


}//End unit state HIGH (L)

}//End Void Loop


Komentarz dodany przez: Treker

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Czy ty naprawdę oczekujesz, że ktoś tutaj będzie się przekopywał przez ten kod, domyślał się co jest jak podłączone, zgadywał co autor miał na myśli tylko dlatego, że tobie się nie chciało?

Napisz minimalny przykład który demonstruje twój problem, sformatuj go porządnie z wcięciami, dołącz schemat połączeń (odłącz wszystko, co nie jest konieczne), napisz też jak to zasilasz, etc.

Istnieje nawet realna szansa, że robiąc to sam znajdziesz błąd.

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